On February 17th, 2009, late in the evening, I came home. My body was very tired, but the next day, there were some projects such as Cinta Rasional summary, script of Laskar Pelangi, and Sociology summary. Therefore, I planned to sleep first in order to be able to do my projects freshly. Starting to sleep on 7.00 p.m. But I felt it was a very long sleep, and the truth was I got up at 10.00 p.m.
At that time, it was not a very good condition. I had to phone the others to make a script of a drama. However, before phoning my friends who are Bhayu DS, Toshiki, Kevin Konrad, and Erik Noverdian. My friend, Toshiki phoned me first and said, "Eh, malah tidur lagi lo, gw dah ngantuk nih, ayolah sekarang bikin drama." And I said ,"Sorry tosh, gw capeek banget, abis lat CWE." So, in a very short time, my friends and I were online and created a script of Laskar Pelangi.
Actually, the person who really did the script was Erik, I was glad having such great friends like them even though the script was not very good I thought, but they had golden hearts in helping others.
Next project I had to do was Cinta Rasional summary, I had to summarize 28 pages full of words! How come? I was very tired, and I had to do that?! Trying not to fall asleep but my body said a different thing, which meant I fell asleep.
The next morning, I woke up at 3.30 a.m and had nothing done. I was very afraid! I wanted to laugh but also wanted to cry. Hahahahaha, maybe some people are laughing when read this note, but really, I was used to submitting my projects on time. Thinking hard, and my head became brighter, I did that project in my laptop, so I could continue my project on the way to school. I arrived at school at 6.30 a.m and my project was almost done. After that I went to my CWE coordinator, Mr. Kasworo to use his printer to print my project. Oh Gosh, he gave me a hand! And I never realized that! So I could submit that project on time.
Let's fast forward the time, but it still on the same day. It was 2.00 p.m and Vincent W and I started programming contest. There were 4 questions we had to do and we just did two questions. Actually, the third question was done but I had no time to type it. It was ridiculous, However I was very disappointed because of that problem but the point that I had to learn was I had to know that there were so many people out there who was better or even greater than me and I had to beat them.