Friday, January 8, 2016

Important Advice for Driving Safely in Japan: One Day Driving Insurance

Since I had a driving license in Japan, there are so many requests to me to help someone driving a car. It could be a rental car or someone else’s car. It is fine to drive a rental car, but it might be scary to drive someone else’s car. Why? Here I will explain.

As a pedestrian, you may look Japanese traffic condition as heaven. So many people are obedient to the traffic lights, speed limit, and other rules. But on the other hand, sometimes it means hell to the drivers. We have to be extra careful to make sure that accident won’t happen or we will be in a very serious problem…

In Japan most of accidents will not be finished without police getting into it and it means you have to pay amount of money to cover what you have damaged in the accident and it is extremely expensive. If someone get killed in an accident, according to my japanese friend you will have to pay around 2 oku en (200.000.000 yen). So, you will be in a serious problem if you are not able to pay or as foreigner you can get deported from Japan. Therefore, it is very important for japanese drivers to get covered by insurance but it might be a problem for someone who drives someone else’s car because normally you can not get insured for driving another’s car.

So for solving this problem, I wanna share my experience about taking the one day driving insurance! I was also surprised when first knowing this insurance because I think there is no such one day insurance in Indonesia. It is a perfect insurance for you who are requested to drive or drive another’s car. I think this information is not so well known among the foreigner so I think I need to share this.

So this insurance is held by Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group (三井住友海上火災保険) and offers you 3 kinds of plan related to the one day driving insurance (note: there is also insurance for motorcycle and bicycle). There is A, B, and C plan which cost you 500 yen, 1500 yen, and 1800 yen respectively. Each plan covers different range of damage of the accident. The more expensive the plan, more you get covered. But the 500en insurance is enough to cover the damage you made excluding your car.

How to apply:
Thanks to japanese konbini, you can apply this insurance by going to seven eleven fotocopy machine and there will be a button written 保険 (insurance) and can input your details there. Or you can also input your details on the internet and just print out the insurance detail from there and then pay to the cashier. Unfortunately, all procedures are conducted in japanese.

Print out details and receipt of the insurance

For more info you can check the link below:

Happy driving!


Minerva said...

Berguna banget nih infonya. Thx Cosmas!

Minerva said...

Berguna banget nih infonya. Thx Cosmas!